Interview with Mic Mustaine
By Nobbe

N: Where are you from?
Mic: I was born in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, but I live in Indiana now.
N: How old are you Mic?
Mic: I am twenty-eight.
N: Do you compose your own music?
Mic: Yeah it's my hobby and I play in a rock band.
N: How long have you been playing in your rock band?
Mic: The one I'm in now I've been in for bout six months but I've been in alot of other ones.
N: Do you stll remember when you picked up your first guitar?
Mic: I was about nine years old and my sister bought me a six string accoustic guitar for my birthday. I really didn't get into playing until a couple years later.
N: Did you have a hard time learning how to play the guitar?
Mic: Yeah, cause I was ten or eleven when I first started taking lessons. I really didn't have the patience to practice at it.
N: Did you feel imidiately that you had a flare for music?
Mic: No, not until I was about sixteen or seventeen. I knew how to play, but I didn't take it seriously until I was about that age.
N: What kind of music do you listen to?
Mic: I like rock the most, but I also like classical and blues as well.
N: Wow! Sounds like you listen to and do a little of everything, Mic. Would you concider yourself more of a preformer or a composer?
Mic: More of a performer, I can't write without my nephew. He evens me out.
N: It sounds like your nephew plays a very important role in your life.
Mic: As I do in his. It would be like breaking up Abbott and Costello. We wouldn't be anything without each other.
N: What's your first thought when you hear the word music?
Mic: I think it's the only thing I care about, you can talk to me about anything, but when you mention music it lights a fire in me no matter what genre of music you like it all takes the same amount of skill and artistry to create.
N: Thanks very much for your time Mic. It was good talking to you. I hope that others can be inspired by your melodious words.