Aleka: First things first, your name?
Max: Max Elbert Meier, III
Aleka: Clearance level?
Max: CL4, I'll either display Lieutenant in Ten Forward, or Jedi Padawan in the
Cantina. Come to think of it, I'm also an Elven Ranger in Minas Tirith. (So I
elaborated a bit...)
Aleka: How long have you been an OTF member?
Max: Registered on October 22, 1999. Man was that way back...
Aleka: What coding languages do you know?
Max: To be honest, I -knew- a few languages. For now I can remember BASIC, HTML,
some PERL (albeit it's quite rusty), and very little, if any PHP.
Aleka: What made you want to join the Artists' Guild?
Max: Well, my life has always had it's ups and downs. In a way I was asked to
join, but I thought it was a temporary thing. The idea of me, being a former
artist myself, made the thought of joining the Artists' Guild a worthwhile
cause. To sum it up, doing work that I love, for the most part.
Aleka: What, if anything, are you working on in the Artists' Guild?
Max: Well, aside working with you on the AG Homepage as a consultant and being
one of the resident HTML gurus, I've just finished creating an EOM report form
for th AG, and I've helped Lee fix a minor glitch in the AG topsites code. From
there, I'm just brainstorming some ideas for more projects and bothering Lee for
whatever work I can get.
Aleka: Do you see yourself still a member of the Artists' Guild next year?
Max: That I do, simply because I love the Arts, and seeing what I've seen in the
past come from AG, I'd want to be a part and help show everyone what different
types of art there are, and hopefully make anyone who pops in to visit us
appreciate our hard work.
Aleka: If you could live anywhere in the world or in space, where would
you live?
Max: That's a simple answer... Anywhere my parents aren't at, and somewhere that
I won't be disturbed when I'm working on what ever I please.
Aleka: What's your favorite peice of art?
Max: to be honest, I have no favorite piece... I like most all art. You can't
pick one thing when you like how all the different types describe and influence
all kinds of different things. How can one limit expression?
Aleka: Do you consider yourself to be an artist?
Max: Sort of. Back about five years ago, I was doing graphic arts, and some
freehand. I've sort of slipped since then, due to many things in life, but I
still like dabbling. I'd do anything to get back into the arts. I could include
my musical and theatre works, but that's a whole other ballgame.
Aleka: How do you think you could change the Artists' Guild for the better?
Max: I personally, can't change the AG for the better without the help of my
colleagues. I will think up whatever I can, see what everyone else thinks, and
then do my part on any projects. It's not going to be a single person that
changes the AG, but the entire team as a whole.
Aleka: What project would you like to see added to the AG?
Max: Well, I've already seen projects that are making the AG great. I'm sure it
exists somewhere, but I'd really like to see more public input into our works.
What good are the arts without a lot of critiques? (No, not critics... *l*)
Aleka: What other departments are you in?
Max: As of right now, I'm also in Engineering. I haven't been assigned anything
yet, but I'm certain the time will come where I'll be put to work. As for
aspiriations of departments, I'll just have to leave you hanging...
Aleka: What are you having for dinner tonight? Seriously.
Max: *shrugs* I'm not the one cooking, and the person who is, is seriously in a
bad mood. I'd rather not run the chance of arsenic being placed in my food if I
dare ask what I'm going to eat. *lol*
Aleka: Is there anything you would like to add, a famous art quote or anything?
Max: Nothing artsy, and I'll edit the saying, just to keep in line with the
PD's. "Get your kicks before the whole thing goes up in flames." I relate that
to life... Have your fun before it goes downhill... And with that, I now shall
disappear to work again!
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