The Guilds provide a creative outlet for our members, it is the “fine arts department” in OTF. Our goals are to showcase the contributions and submissions of OTF members, and to provide resources in the areas of writing (prose and poetry), music, art and film. The Guilds is also the home of the Outpost’s Library, an ever-growing collection of book reviews written by OTF members.
We have many competitions and in-chat events each month; we also coordinate and participate in special projects several times a year. On the resource side, each guild provides information about those people, places and things that have had an impact in their artistic area. Want to read up on a famous poet or band, or read a review of a new book? You can find it at the Guilds.
One of the things that makes us unique is that every OTF member can participate in events, submit contest entries, reviews, or other content to our department, regardless of their CL or department membership. We thrive on the new ideas and gifts of each member who participates with us – we hope you will share your creativity with us along with the rest of Outpost 10F!